a fun project i made , music&video performed arranged produced and directed by: me.
After some weeks of visual and audio experiments i took a selected bunch of motion captured dance rigs mostly from mixamo site, imported them into 3dsmax, created all the preview shots and
edited an initial sketch video with premiere to get all the dancers move to the beat, then exported all the mocaps obj sequences through blender into after FX,there i used redgiant particular and superluminal stardust to create the looks, video editing was done in premiere.
the music was recorded and mixed with cubase 10 pro, native instruments komplete 12 was used for all the main parts - i played all the instruments with a standard midi keyboard, did not use any ready made beats or parts,
i usually prefer to create all the musical parts myself including drums & bass, for the vocoder style words i used the form synthesizer
which is part of the NI reaktor synths collection, for all the complementary sounds i use Eastwest Quantumleap cloud which has an extensive library of almost every instrument on earth.. with it i played the parts of the soul singers, brass pop section and strings,
"music rhythm body":